Ayurvedic Tips to Beat the Heat

Ayurveda has many natural therapies to help create healthy balance through all the seasons. Here are a few to help cool the fire element!

Aloe shots are a fun thing to add to your summer routine! Put an ounce or two ( doubleshot :) of aloe juice in a small glass and drink. Promise it’s no worse than a shot of vodka or whiskey! Try an aloe shot daily to start or end your day. You can always add a shot to your water glass to dilute if you’d rather skip the bitter green taste.

Eat your greens! As with aloe, the bitter green taste is cooling and cleansing for Pitta dosha. Almost any green is better than no green, but the more bitter the taste, the more it will cool the fire.

Sheetali Pranayama aka Cooling Breath : Curl your tongue bring side edges of your tongue upward, so you create a tunnel like shape. Inhale through your curled tonge. Replace the tongue into your mouth, and close your mouth. Exhale through your nose. Repeat 10 times to start. Use as needed, when you are feeling like you are getting overheated!

Spend time swimming. Pitta dosha is comprised of water and fire, but as the fire element gets stronger, the water evaporates with the heat . Swimming is a good way to feel the qualities of water which oppose the fire element, cooling, soothing, flexible, and forgiving.

Try these tips and stay cool out there!!!

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